What is democracy and under what conditions does it work?

Democracy is the power of the people. When people at their meetings adopt certain laws by majority decision.

Examples of real democracies are: ancient Greek city-states, tribes under the primitive communal system, the Novgorod Republic, Italian and German city-states, assemblies in SNT and apartment buildings.

Everything else is imaginary democracy.

Real democracy is possible in small communities where people see each other and vote openly.

Also a necessary condition for democracy to work is respect for the opinion of another member of the community. Members of a democratic community should be approximately equal in financial capabilities, intellectual level and occupation (general mentality).

As soon as a community grows and becomes stratified along one or another basis, democracy inevitably slides into oligarchy or dictatorship.

Since these are simpler methods of organizing a community. The smaller the number of decision makers, the simpler the management.

In addition, when the community is stratified into rich and poor, that is, into more successful and less successful. The respect of the rich for the poor and their opinions is falling, which is quite logical.

The consequence of this is not the desire to take into account the opinions of the poor and the desire to come to an agreement with other rich people about power, and to manipulate the poor: bribe, deceive, kill activists, intimidate.

Often a leader stands out in a community, who unites a group of people around himself and subjugates other groups, imposing tribute (tax) on them.

This is how gangs, ancient empires and dictatorships are formed. They rely on the charisma of the leader, the oligarchy close to him, terror and intimidation of dissenters, some ideology: communism, fascism, Stalinism, Juche, belief in some kind of greatness.

Most people in such communities are people with a low social and intellectual level; they want to belong to something great and big. I work in such and such a big company, I am from such and such a security agency or an official, or I am from such and such a big and great country.

The psychology of such people is simple - wanting to cover up their own worthlessness, they want to cling to something big and great (as it seems to them), in order to look like “respected people” in the eyes of their kind.

Dictators and oligarchs use this feeling to control these masses of people in their own interests with one main goal: maintaining their own power.

So, as can be seen from the above, democracy works under the following conditions:

  1. All members of the community are approximately equal to each other or with the same mentality.
  2. All community members respect the opinions of others and are ready and willing to listen to different proposals. Because the more options there are, the more accurately and accurately you can make the right decision for more effective community management. The feeling of belonging to a community and the feeling that you personally influence something and control this community generates a sense of justice and satisfaction.
  3. Voting takes place openly. Each member of the community sees the voters in person and can double-check and verify the accuracy of the vote count.

For more efficient management of the community, a proportional voting system was used, that is, the vote of an older and more experienced member of the community had more weight.

A democratic system turns into a pseudo-democratic system (the so-called managed democracy) as soon as open voting is replaced by secret voting.

With this method, it is impossible to verify the accuracy of the vote. Throwing and manipulation begin.

There is an expression by J.V. Stalin about this voting method: “It doesn’t matter who votes how, it’s important who thinks how.”

Therefore, all countries with this voting method are not democracies. They may, to one degree or another, have democratic features. But basically, democratic countries are bureaucratic countries. Power in them belongs to bureaucrats. Only their opinion matters for decision making.

There are also countries hiding behind fake democracies with fake elections and fake laws, which are ordinary dictatorships.

Pros and cons of dictatorships.

The advantage of dictatorship is faster decision-making at the initial stage. In conditions of crisis in a state, a dictatorship is more effective than a bureaucratic state.

Often the first ten years of a dictator's rule are effective for countries. There are many examples of this: Stalin and Hitler in the 30s, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi in the 70s, Lukashenko in the 90s, Putin in the 2000s.

As a rule, dictators, having come to power, implement those actions that have long been overdue in society. Plus, at the beginning of their reign, they are not divorced from reality and their actions are effective.

The disadvantages of dictatorship begin after the ten-year period has expired. They seem to pupate in their own “little world”. Their main goal is to retain power at any cost. The world is changing in ten years, but they don’t notice it and their actions become less rational and ineffective.

The cleansing, destruction and departure of active people from the country ultimately leads to stagnation and degradation in the economy.

As a result, either an armed rebellion occurs and the dictator is removed, or a slow degradation of society occurs. This society becomes less competitive and, after the death of the dictator, falls into a deep crisis, since the layer of active people who should raise the economy and create a new mentality has been destroyed.

If a country fails to overcome this crisis, then such a country will eventually disintegrate into smaller communities or be absorbed by other more successful communities from outside.

The advantage of countries with many opinions and many commercial companies is that when one ideology or company fades away, it is replaced by another.

This is often accompanied by an economic crisis, but after it the country becomes stronger.

In countries with one ideology, and especially a command economy, after the extinction of ideology or economy, not just an economic crisis occurs, but a complete collapse in all spheres of life. That is, in totalitarian systems there is, as it were, one company, and after its collapse its employees flee to other countries. And in countries with a large number of companies and ideologies, the process of replacing one company with another is less painful, since the employees of the disappeared company simply move to work in another.

Thus, in the long term, dictatorships and totalitarian systems are less effective and lead their people to poverty, backwardness and misery.

How to change the political system in pseudo-democracies?

It is impossible to change the political system in pseudo-democracies using the tools of pseudo-democracies: pseudo-elections and using pseudo-laws.

After a bureaucracy, an oligarchy or a dictator with his entourage has seized power, they use: laws, elections, the media, security forces, and criminal structures affiliated with them to maintain their power.

They can only be removed from power by force.

In bureaucratic states, since the power in them is more diffuse and less decisive, this can be done relatively peacefully: mass rallies, clashes with the police.

Often in bureaucratic states there are many intellectuals and the bourgeoisie who are slightly separated from the people, feel themselves to be these people and understand that their financial life will not fundamentally change and therefore they will not seriously fight or start civil wars.

In dictatorships the situation is different. Dictators and their associates are ready to fight and organize civil wars, since they themselves have long been cut off from the people and do not feel unity with them.

Therefore, if a country is small and economically weak, the success of an armed uprising is quite great.

If the country is economically strong and large, and if the dictator has put into his service an ideology that a significant part of the poor believes in, then the confrontation in such a country can slide into a long civil war.

The most effective way to change the political system, especially in economically large dictatorships, is to change the mentality of the residents and create an alternative state.

For example, you can organize your own parallel state. For starters, it could be a party or organization. It must have electronic registration of members of the new community (state), parallel elected authorities, its own electronic voting system, its own banking system and law enforcement agencies.

Create an organization’s budget from donations, and then from voluntary contributions (taxes) of the organization’s participants.

Engage in information and educational work.

Help organize businesses for community members around the world. Teach online professions. In order for new participants to be able to earn money remotely and pay taxes to the budget of the new state.

Why waste time and energy overthrowing a dictatorship if you can organize your own alternative state?

If you know how to manage better and more efficiently, then prove it in practice. If your new state is effective, then gradually the majority of the inhabitants of the dictatorship will move to your community.

If the dictatorship is an outcast and is under sanctions, then it will be more beneficial for the international community to recognize your organization as a state, and recognize the dictatorship as terrorists and extremists.

Contingents for inclusion in the list of citizens of the new state:

  1. Opposition politicians and journalists. These are potential alternative future representatives of the state, as they are the most famous. Their task is to engage their audience in citizenship of the new community. Propaganda of new values. Involving new members in the community
  2. Opposition businessmen. At their expense, you can get good funding at the first stage, while the number of community members is not large. This is also the most economically advanced audience to whom the financial block can be given. For example, the creation of banks to provide business loans to community members.
  3. IT specialists and people earning money remotely.
  4. Political prisoners. By providing them and their families with financial and moral support, the community will acquire a courageous and active electorate, capable of physically defending their values.
  5. Emigrants from the dictatorship. This is the largest audience who have already made their choice against dictatorship, but do not have their own state. After involving this large layer of people and teaching them how to make money, the alternative state can potentially gain millions of its fellow citizens and will actually be created as a serious real force.
  6. Opposition-minded residents of the dictatorship. You can receive voluntary donations from them, conduct propaganda, teach them business and remote work. After involving this layer of people, the transfusion of citizens of dictatorship into citizens of democracy will begin.

In order for there to be an influx of residents from dictatorship to democracy, it is necessary:

  1. Creation of an electronic voting and management system. Transparency in elections and financial reporting. The feeling of each member of the community that his opinion is important and he is real takes part in the governance of the new state.
  2. Mutual respect for each other. A sense of truth and justice in the community.
  3. Advantages of participation in the community: free education, cheap loans, assistance in obtaining a highly paid profession, assistance in starting a business, participation in the global process, positive attitude of residents of democratic states.
  4. Proportional voting system.
  5. Community citizen trust rating. Since the system must be transparent and open, a history of his actions and a rating are compiled for each resident. That is, if a citizen took out a loan or a loan and did not pay it back, then this is noted in his history and his rating. Accordingly, any member of the community can familiarize themselves with this in the history of this citizen and not lend him or at a higher interest rate
    The same applies to various scams and scams. That is, if a person deceived someone, then this is recorded in his history and in the future, other members of the community will see and mean it. The same applies to positive manifestations of a citizen.
    Leaking information outside the community is prohibited. So if it is noticed that a citizen is studying information about other members of the community without obvious target, then access to it will be denied to him, and this will be noted in his history.
  6. Assistance in organizing video blogs, Internet sites and stores, creating online banks within the organization, assistance in organizing management companies and gardening partnerships, organizing farms and farming settlements. All this will help not only earn money for the organization’s members, but also bring in new members, organize local cells, and conduct educational work.

What is a proportional voting system?

Answer yourself this question: is it fair that, according to the laws of “democratic countries”, the voice of a businessman who pays high taxes to the budget is equal to the voice of a homeless person? Or is the voice of a professor or academician equal to the voice of a prisoner?

No, this is not fair. And this is another point of democracy that makes it ineffective.

Proportional voting system is a vote counting system in which the weight of each community member’s vote is individual and depends on the contribution (material or cultural) that a community member makes to that community.

One of the simplest contributions is material. The more money a community member contributes (pays taxes) to its budget, the more significant his voice is.

Also, the weight of a vote can depend on the rating of a community member, taking into account not only material, but also cultural contribution.

In its simplest form, vote calculation may look like this. The total annual budget is divided by the number of community members and the amount of taxes paid by the community member is divided by this amount. This vote weight is used for the entire next year, until a new recount. If a citizen wants to increase his vote, he can pay more taxes than required, and his vote will be increased accordingly.

Here is an example. There are five houses on the street. There is no road outside. Alcoholics live in three houses. The other two are inhabited by middle class people who want to build a road. Everyone pays 20% of their income to the street budget. Namely, two for 20 thousand rubles, and three for nothing.

Under a democratic voting system, three alcoholics will vote to drink away the travel budget. And with a proportional system, those who contributed money to the budget will have 50% of the votes and, accordingly, 100% of the votes will be for the creation of the road.

Because of this democratic norm that everyone has equal votes, democratic systems degrade and often turn into pseudo-democracies with oligarchic form of government.

Logic dictates that businessmen who pay high taxes want to have greater influence on the course of elections. But since they formally cannot do this, they are forced to bribe voters, conduct false propaganda, and bribe government officials.

Thusdemocratic norms that all votes are equal and secret voting lead to pseudo-democraciesand the merger of bureaucracy, businessmen and representatives of crime into one feudal system.

Most modern states are feudal dictatorships or bureaucracies that hide behind “elections” and “laws.” Some people do it better, others worse.

This system needs to change. Businessmen and intellectual elites should be the first to understand this and accept the proportional system.

Remember that a person always has the right to choose. If no one is interested in your choice, then you can vote with your feet.

How does the human brain and thinking work?

A few years ago people did not understand how human thinking works.

Today, after the creation of programming based on principles of artificial intelligence (neural networks), the essence of the thinking process is clear.

The basic principle is this: when the brain encounters something new and incomprehensible to it, the reflex of interest turns on.

The organism begins to explore a new object for it. By selecting different options (learning process), the body learns to use this new thing. And he makes a conclusion for himself what it is, developing a patterned reaction to this new object.

Then, faced with this phenomenon again, the reflex of the body’s patterned reaction (previously acquired) turns on, rather than learning and research.

The more often a person encounters an object and his template reaction solves the problem of using the object, the more this template reaction becomes stronger (connections between neurons are strengthened).

If the template reaction cannot solve the problem, then the brain first falls into a stupor, shock (stops the program for implementing the template) and then turns on the search for new solutions. After this, a new patterned reaction is formed, and the old one weakens.

Thus, adult intelligence consists of patterns. Human thinking is patterned. The older a person is, the more stereotyped his thinking is, and learning and interest are not included.

Also, the more life events a person has, the more often his patterns do not work and the brain of such a person constantly forms new connections between neurons (new patterns). Such a brain has many neural connections and many options for solving the same problem.

Critical thinking becomes highly developed in such a brain. In critical thinking, a strong pattern for the brain is to go through different patterns and only then turn on one of them.

At the beginning of his life, a person learns to walk, brush his teeth, etc. Having learned this in the future, a person does not think about it: how to maintain balance, how to brush his teeth. This is all done according to a template (“automatically”).

The same applies to reactions to abstract things. And here the methods of programming (zombifying) a person come into play.

The fact is that abstract things, such as: democracy, attitude towards any event in the past or present, attitude towards any person (if you yourself did not communicate and were not a participant in the events) are formed on the basis other people's opinions. And, if you do not know a person, but from 100 people whom you more or less trust, you hear that this or that person is bad and, only from one, that he is good, then you will conclude that the person is bad, having developed such relationship template. And also, you will become the 101st person who will say that a person you don’t know is bad.

This method is used by propaganda and advertising. That is, speakers (people with their own audiences), news channels that carry certain propaganda are bribed, and then their audience carries and strengthens this propaganda further.

The problems with this method begin when the audience begins to doubt and distrust these mass speakers.

After this, the opposite effect may begin. If propaganda constantly misses the mark and fails to engage people's feelings, then aversion to such propaganda begins, and anything said by propaganda is perceived with skepticism.

noborder.world 2024.02.20